Hope events
Hope events
We do love a fun and crazy event! If we’ve got something happening, this is where you’ll find all the info about it.

Why not make it your own event?
Hope is entirely funded by donations and fundraisers, so every penny you raise would make a HUGE difference to us. Whether you could collect donations at a party, hold a sporting event for an entry fee, or feel like doing something really adventurous, we’d love to help! Check out our fundraising page to see some ideas and inspiration and find out how your event can help young people in need.
Upcoming Hope events
Oh no! No events planned!
We’re sorry! We’ve got no planned events at the moment. But never mind. they’ll be back soon. If you want to be the first to know about any and all upcoming Hope events, why not subscribe to the newsletter! Just be sure to check the “information on upcoming events” box. Look forward to seeing you soon!
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