Introducing Eve!
September 20, 2019
Hold on to your hats, there’s a brand new member of the Hope team! Here. She. Is…
My name is Eve and I am the new Media Officer for Hope.
I have been brought in to bring all the social media together so there is one voice behind it all. I have been given the chance to work for Hope for a year by the Rank Foundation, who are paying for me to be employed as part of their Rank Aspire Programme. On top of this, they are offering me and the other interns free training courses all through the year based all across the country. These cover everything from social media skills (which would be of real benefit to my job) to a mental health first aid course, to others which might be more relevant to those doing slightly different jobs within their charities.
I have recently come home from a residential they took us all on, in London, where we were able to meet each other and spend some time socialising as well as taking part in workshops and more directed activities which really added to our leadership skill sets. There were three especially amazing aspects to this trip: the huge variety of people I met, the packed but well-balanced schedule organised by Rank and… the food! I ate so well!
All jokes aside, overall it was a fantastic experience and I feel so privileged to have been a part of it. Rank have laid on two further residentials later in my year with Hope: the first should build on more key skills and the second should bring in a more outdoorsy, active element to the program, meaning everyone completes it feeling fulfilled (can you guess being active is not my strong point?). Either way, I am really looking forward to both.
It’ll be great to share with everyone what I will have achieved with Hope. I want to spend this year building connections between organisations both within Herefordshire and across the UK then end it feeling like I have really made a difference.
In between residentials, however, Rank have given a lot of thought to how my group can keep our connections strong while hundreds of miles apart from each other. We will all be doing our own jobs in our own local areas, just like I am going to run Hope’s social media for a year, so it would be easy to lose each other. To stop this, Rank have added us all into a shared network so we can keep in contact with each other and also meet other people who might be able to help us further our careers in one way or another. This means I will have two unbelievably supportive groups helping me through the next 12 months – Rank and Hope. That is far more than I ever thought I would have when I left sixth form this summer, a month before my 18th birthday.
The opportunities I have been given since then have been beyond my wildest dreams and I intend to make the absolute most of them over this next year.